
Admission Arrangements

Applying for a school place for your child can sometimes be a daunting and complicated process but we hope this page helps you to understand the statutory guidance and how to apply at the different stages of your child’s education.

Normal Year of Entry

Applications for school admissions that take place in the September of each year are administered through Essex County Council and applications can be made online via  Their website also has a copy of the Primary and Secondary School admissions booklets detailing all schools in the area.

Copies of the admission arrangements for each academy within our family of schools can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Timeline of Applications

15 January Deadline for applications for a primary or junior school place
16 April National offer day for primary and junior school places
31 August Deadline for late applications to the LA, i.e. those received after 31 October (secondary) or 15 January (primary)

For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group.

Please note: if a mid-year application is received during a school holiday period, we will respond as soon as possible when the school reopens.

In-Year Applications

Applying for a place at a school after 31 August each year, or applying to change your child’s school during the year, are referred to as “in-year” admissions.

Details of how to apply for an In-Year place at the school are available here through The Sigma Trust website.

Admission Appeal Arrangements

If you do not receive an offer of a place at our school, you can appeal against the decision. Please click below for information on admission appeal arrangements.