School Council

A school council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with the headteacher and staff. It’s a brilliant way of representing and contributing to Pupil Voice in school.

Our school council is run by our PSHE lead Mrs Gordon . At the beginning of each academic year, children are asked to submit reasons why they think they would be good school council leaders for their class. Each child shares their reasons with their peers and then they hold a secret vote to agree on who will become their leader.

Meetings are held monthly where the children put forward their ideas for improving the school environment and school practices. These are then shared with the staff so that children’s views are shared.

Each year two of the older children in year 2 represent our school at our Consortium School Council where they discuss issues with children from 13 schools.

We will keep you updated on the decisions and outcomes of meetings on class Dojo, so look out for our first post of the year coming shortly….

Meeting Notes 1 2024- 2025

Meeting 2