Entry Times
We have two entrances into the school one which leads to the Early years building and one by the main reception which leads to the KS1 building.
2-year-old Nursery: 12:15-3:15 pm
3 and 4-year-old Nursery:8:30-11:30 am
EYFS AND KS1 Timetable
Arriving at school
8:40 am – 8:55 am ( gates closed )
We expect children to be in their classrooms for registration between these times.
If you arrive after this time you must report to reception where you will be marked as being late.
Morning breaks
Between 10.30 am and 11.15 am staggered by year group
Reception lunchtime
12:00-12:50 pm
kS1 Lunchtime
Year 1 12:10-1:00 pm
Year 2 12:30-1.20pm
Gates open for collection
2:55 pm gates open children to leave at 3 pm
At the start of and the end of the school day, please go to your child’s classroom to drop off and collect your child. If someone different is collecting your child, you must inform the school office. No child will be allowed to go unless this is authorised by you.
Children should not arrive at school before 8.40 am(unless they are signed into Early birds) we cannot be responsible for them before this time.
We do expect all our children to be in class ready for registration which takes place at 8:55am. Any family arriving after this time will need to enter the school via the main reception.
The total length of the school week is 30hours and 25 minutes.
Class Organsiation
Nursery Lead: Mrs K Sutton
Finches: Miss B Stoker and Ms A. Andrews
Sparrows: Mrs V Rhodes and Mrs C Newell
Year 1
Kingfishers: Miss E Jamieson
Magpies : Miss J Pratt
Year 2
Doves: Mrs R Pennell and Mrs P Gordon
Woodpeckers: Miss M Hughes